Defra’s vision is clear and compelling: We are here to make the air purer, water cleaner, our land greener, and our food more sustainable.
Our mission is to restore and enhance the environment for the next generation, and to leave the environment in a better state than we found it.
Central to this vision is the United Nation’s Agenda for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030). This incorporates 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs), and our UK government’s 25 Year Environment Plan.
The sustainable IT strategy explains how we will use the expertise and capabilities we’ve built up throughout our past to achieve Defra’s vision through a five-pillar approach – to lead by example for others to follow.
We’re committing to 5 strategic objectives that will help us achieve our new vision:
- reduce and mitigate carbon emissions and achieve net-zero by 2025
- reduce waste through efficient resource use and achieve zero IT waste to landfill annually
- demonstrate transparency and mitigate risk through sustainable procurement
- make sustainability business as usual and achieve level 5 of our maturity model
- provide net gains for the environment
We believe that our ambitious internal action to achieve net-zero, improve reuse, and provide net gains for the environment will drive national and international influence. Our strategy is exciting and ambitious. It challenges us to become a high-performing organisation, delivering quality information technology solutions in support of the Defra’s mission and serving the public with a more diverse range of sustainable product offerings.
Read the Defra group sustainable IT strategy on GOV.UK.