Guerrilla statistics

Last year I was lucky enough to get on to the GDS Data Science Accelerator. On this scheme participants offer their enthusiasm to learn data science and their time to work on a project of potential value to their departments. …
Last year I was lucky enough to get on to the GDS Data Science Accelerator. On this scheme participants offer their enthusiasm to learn data science and their time to work on a project of potential value to their departments. …
David Lee, who heads up with food and trade statistics team in Defra, spoke to us at our Unconference about the need for a coherent data community in Defra.
This week we have published a collection of datasets from the National Food Survey from 1974-2000, as open data. This rich data collection is comprised of food diary records from approximately 150,000 households across the 70s, 80s and 90s, who were …
Our team is making progress towards publishing Family Food Data for 1974-2000. We have put together all the data and supporting reference tables into tab separated format. The next challenge we face is to make sure the data is safe …
Last night the Secretary of State for Environment, Elizabeth Truss, launched Great British Food: a five year campaign celebrating British food in this country and around the world, tearing down outdated stereotypes about a bland British diet and showing off the …
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