Solving problems, sharing knowledge: Defra's content community resources

Ayesha Tinsley explains how her team improved the content community's resources board, in the last in our series on Defra content community projects.
Ayesha Tinsley explains how her team improved the content community's resources board, in the last in our series on Defra content community projects.
Content designer Lauren Stopps writes about a project to improve the content team's internal review process.
In the second post of a two-part blog, content designers Natalie Smithson and Sandeep Dhaliwal report on the outputs of the recent hack day, led by Defra’s planet-centred design (PCD) team.
In the first post of a two-part blog, content designers Natalie Smithson and Sandeep Dhaliwal look forward to today’s hack day, being led by Defra’s planet-centred design team - one of many activities for Services Week 2024.
Content designer Rob Finch and his team reflect on how bringing in user research can be beneficial at any stage of a project.
In the second post of this two-part blog, Defra content designers, Ruth Fryer and Sandeep Dhaliwal mention artefacts, approaches, analysis and how to finish discovery and prepare for alpha.
In National Customer Service Week user researcher Will Roissetter explains how being customer-centric is helping design a new service for packaging producers.
Senior User Researcher Clare Hussey reflects on why she loves her work, and why she feels compelled to stay at Defra.
On World Environment Day we hear how colleagues from the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) worked with content designers from the Defra farming content team to improve the scheme guidance on GOV.UK, ahead of the launch of this year’s Countryside Stewardship (CS) schemes.
Chris Jenkins, Zico Harris and Christopher J from the Defra Digital, Data and Technology Accessibility Team asked an artificially intelligent large language model a question around this topic. When it served up a generic blog, they decided to write their own instead.