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Accessibility tools we use every day

Posted by: , and , Posted on: - Categories: Accessibility, Defra content design, Defra digital
An animated picture of a computer monitor and some associated IT icons.

To mark Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we’re sharing some of our content design team at Defra's go-to accessibility tools and guides. We're all responsible for making sure our content and services are accessible, these are some of the resources we use to help with that.  

Opportunity, diversity, and our Shadow Executive Board

Posted by: , and , Posted on: - Categories: Defra digital
A pair of hands holding up a chain of paper dolls

At the conclusion of Disability History Month, Stephen Jenkins, Rich Stanley, and Laurie Doyle reflect on the value of a key staff forum which encourages inclusivity and diversity, and which has provided each of them with a vital learning and development opportunity.