Aligning Data, Digital and Technology to deliver better services
At the Defra Data Function Unconference, we had a chance to speak to Defra group CTO John Seglias, who is the SRO for the Data Programme, his thoughts on how data is used in Defra.
At the Defra Data Function Unconference, we had a chance to speak to Defra group CTO John Seglias, who is the SRO for the Data Programme, his thoughts on how data is used in Defra.
At the Open Data Institute's annual Summit at the BFI Southbank in London in November, Defra's Permanent Secretary, Clare Moriarty, spoke about open ways of working, open culture and open data. This is what she had to say about the …
One of the greatest pleasures of being a Chief Scientific Adviser is to visit Defra’s research agencies and to sample the great work being done by its scientists. The work is ‘great’ because it is directly linked to real problems …
A few weeks ago, I’d never even heard of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), but I recently found myself attending the OGP Summit 2016 in Paris from 7–9 December, talking about #OpenDefra, along with Mike Rose and David Buck. Turns …
Just over a couple of weeks ago, we held the first ever cross-Defra Data Function unconference. We’ve already posted a reflection/wrap-up blog post on it from the team behind it, but thought you might like an in-depth peek into the …
The Defra Data Function met in a crisp and frosty Birmingham to discuss the future direction of data in Defra
Healthy competition is a fantastic way to focus teams on tasks, concentrating efforts on a single goal within a time limit. The space race, the Sinclair-Acorn 8-bit computer race ('the battle for our classrooms'), the race to claim priority for …
As the new Director of Data, Knowledge and Innovation in the Environment Agency, I joined Defra's Data Programme Board meeting – chaired by Emily Miles – with colleagues from across Defra group for its second meeting on 19 October. I …
For our first team outing, the Data Programme team went to a bog. We are spread all over England, so gathering together is a big thing. We do things like unhangout to get over the boundaries, but team gatherings are …
Last week ( 5 October) the Defra Earth Observation Centre of Excellence (EO-CoE) held its first innovation workshop. This event was a direct follow up from the high priority areas identified at the Earth Observation and Open Data Showcase that …