Beginning to accelerate….

...our work. We spent some time yesterday looking at how we can engage with users across multiple themes to begin a conversation about what they want from us. Tom Smith,...
...our work. We spent some time yesterday looking at how we can engage with users across multiple themes to begin a conversation about what they want from us. Tom Smith,...
Hi, I’m Lisa Allen; I am the lead for the data governance workstream of the #OpenDefra Data Programme. On 25 June the Secretary of State set out her vision for open data to transform food and farming. She gave a …
On Friday (10/07/15) I had the pleasure of attending 'Make it Better With Data: Sheffield' at Sheffield Town Hall hosted by the cities Better With Data Society and Sheffield City Council, with support from Capita and Socrata. The conference was one of the …
Hello - I’m Tom Guilbert and I work in the Data, Mapping, Modelling and Information team at the Environment Agency. I’ve been working over the last few months on updating and improving our bathing water quality open data services …
Today we have a guest post from Savania Chinamaringa, who is a Defra rep at the Environment Agency Data Advisory Group (EADAG)... I have been involved with the EADAG as a Defra rep from its inception. I attend EADAG meetings to listen and learn but …
At Defra, we’ve been redesigning all our guidance on GOV.UK so it better meets user needs. We’re now starting to do ‘usability testing’ to see how people use our new content so we can see where we should make further …
DATA.GOV.UK Each year the European Commission holds a conference on the INSPIRE Directive in a different Member State. This year the conference took place at the end of May in Lisbon, Portugal, and was held in parallel with the Geospatial …
We’re posting here on the Defra digital blog some of the stories about our data, data activities and data releases. On 25 June, our Secretary of State Elizabeth Truss set out her vision for the role of open data in the future of food and farming.
One of the dubious privileges of my suburban upbringing was watching my Dad assemble flat pack furniture on rainy Sunday afternoons. As the hours passed and the chair, barbecue or desk started to emerge with missing legs or extra arms, …
The Smarter Guidance team has been working to make content smarter -- make it more readable and clearer for users. But how do we measure if we've been successful? I've devised one way and while it'll take more than a …