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Livestock information: working to keep the UK at the forefront of animal tracking

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A tagged cow laying down in a field

Defra's Livestock Information Programme has done a lot of work over the last nine months to make sure that our approach is truly outcome and user focussed. Our learning has revealed an opportunity much, much bigger than just reducing the cost of IT. Here’s why.

Eden tamed: using data to solve flooding in Cumbria

Healthy competition is a fantastic way to focus teams on tasks, concentrating efforts on a single goal within a time limit. The space race, the Sinclair-Acorn 8-bit computer race ('the battle for our classrooms'), the race to claim priority for …

Satellites, sensors and savings - the 2nd meeting of Defra's Data Programme Board

Defra's Programme Board Meeting for the second time.

As the new Director of Data, Knowledge and Innovation in the Environment Agency, I joined Defra's Data Programme Board meeting – chaired by Emily Miles – with colleagues from across Defra group for its second meeting on 19 October. I …

I wouldn't start from here: what if we didn't have INSPIRE?

INSPIRE feedback

In September I attended The 10th annual EU INSPIRE conference in Barcelona, with my colleague on the data programme, Jason King. INSPIRE is an EU framework Directive, incorporated into UK law since 2009, that covers the UK and the Devolved …

Worth a visit: modelling the positive impact of greenspaces with ORVal

The boathouse at Birkenhead Park

The mob cheers as, in an empty grid square, a small park opens. Property prices in the area begin to rise; soon, a new demographic moves in. The recognisable shift towards gentrification. A familiar reality. And one that will soon …