The more steps Defra takes towards becoming a user-centric, service design-focused organisation, the more we learn about changing the way we work and collaborate. That’s made more difficult in an organisation like Defra, which despite our best efforts over many …
Minimum viable products (MVPs) are a hugely important part of service development. By aiming to release as early as possible you reduce the risk of never releasing at all. You also get valuable feedback from users using the system in …
A few weeks ago, we were invited to speak at an internal event for managers in one part of Defra. The subject of our talk was "What are digital skills, and how do we develop them?" We think that good …
How do you help people in a large organisation find out about the benefits of agile ways of working? Where can people go with specific questions about agile and how they should use it in their role? How do agile …
...analysts on the team that runs the National Flood Information Service. Our vision is to provide information that helps people prepare for, respond to and recover from flooding. One of... agile ways, and has started with a relatively small slice through the larger service. They’ve built a licence viewer, allowing existing licence holders to securely view some of the...
This is a post about how Defra is using user centred design and agile delivery practices to rethink its performance management arrangements. Agile is still quite new in government, but it’s more common in software delivery teams - it’s not …
We've just published A guide to discovery (in alpha). We'd like you to tell us what you think of it.
Read a blog post about the Defra Livestock Information Programme - which is working with industry to transform how we track future livestock movements in the UK.
For most of the last 4 years, I've been trying to wrap my head around how Defra builds services that meet user needs and support the outcomes Defra exists to bring about - benefits for the environment, the economy, for …