Defra digital
Currently 1.8 million people live in areas at risk of flooding across the UK. With an increasing population and dependence on flood plains for housing and industry, loss of natural flood defences and increased likelihood of extreme weather events; this …
GeoSmart Information combines Environment Agency open data with modelling in its GWFlood groundwater flood forecast service. Our model At GeoSmart, our model predicts groundwater levels based on actual history of all the main variables affecting groundwater recharge, flow and discharge …
For #InvasiveSpeciesWeek and to mark the release of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology's Asian Hornet Watch app, we have a guest post from Janet Dixon from Defra's Exotic Disease Control Unit.
Our forests are valuable to us in many different ways – something we’ve understood for a long time. Now we have a new way to keep an eye on them.
The 2018 climate projections are coming and will be published as open data. Find out what they are and how to register for updates here.
Defra's Permanent Secretary talks #DataDrivenDefra, #DataMash and the joy of unconferences in this video and full transcription.
A week ago today I was lucky enough to attend the Sentinel-2B satellite launch event held at European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany.
A blog from government fast streamer Tarini Fernando about what she learned working at Defra Digital for the last six months.
Our new digital rod licence application service has recently moved from private to public beta. So how did we do it?
We organise regular content clinics across Defra group publishers. Statutory guidance "What are the restrictions on publishing content as statutory guidance?" The style guide says use them for guidance that relevant users are legally obliged to follow. Don’t use for …